Thursday, June 4, 2009

Welcome to our blog!

I am very excited to be able to share this twinventure with everyone through this blog. I am certainly no technology expert, but Chris will be able to spruce up the site.

To catch everyone up to speed, here is a short version of how we came to be 20 weeks pregnant with twin boys.
Last summer, Chris and I decided that we were ready to start a family. I knew I had some reproductive issues, so I went to see my OBGYN for advice on how to proceed. He was concerned about the length of my cervix, which is the bottom part of the uterus that holds the baby in. I looked online for some information and found a wonderful organization called Abbyloopers. With their support I found a wonderful doctor who was an expert in placing trans-abdominal cerclages (TAC). A TAC is a permanent, kevlar band that acts as a sort of 'super-cervix'. I travelled to Chicago to get my TAC placed by Dr. Haney. The surgery went great and we were given the go-ahead to start trying for a child. (Oh, yeah, this is the short version...)So, after multiple rounds of failed fertility treatments, Chris and I found out we were pregnant in February. We were so excited! My sister Jessica joined Chris and I for our first ultrasound at about 6 weeks. The tech showed us the baby and said that everything was looking good. I was sort of sad that there was only one little bean on the screen. I had been feeling pretty sick already and I thought that it might mean I had twins. I scanned the screen as the tech moved the ultrasound around. I saw a little blip at the bottom and asked the tech "what's that?" She scanned down and said "Yup, that's another one!" I was so excited! I looked at Chris who turned to my sister and said "You want one?" I was appalled, we hadn't even know we were having twins for 30 seconds and he was trying to give one away! We went home from that appointment excited but apprehensive too. Over the next 6 weeks we saw the babies on ultrasound three more times, and each time they were just great. At 12 weeks we had some genetic tests done, and the results were wonderful. The one concern was that there appeared to be only one placenta. This meant the twins had to share blood and nutrients. I began seeing the perinatologist and they said they would monitor the twins every two weeks to make sure they were both growing at the same rate. So every two weeks I have faithfully gone in to see my two cuties on the ultrasound, and every two weeks they both get bigger and bigger. We are at 20 weeks now and the boys weigh over 9 ounces each. I see the perinatologist tomorrow and I am excited to see my boys again. I will update after my appointment and post the ultrasound pictures that I get!

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